Specializing in:

Program Proficiency

  • Python
  • R programming
  • R-Shiny
  • Matlab
  • UX/UI
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • Physics and Mathematics
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Trading Algorithms
  • Predictive Models Fitting
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Neural Networks

I do not outsource my work; I am a one-man team. The rate is negotiable according to market value.

Work Samples

Space tracks of a satellite orbit (red at apogee and yellow at perigee) intersecting the visibility cones (blue) of two ground stations (white).

Satellite View Period Ratio for Circular and Elliptical Orbits

This Jupiter Notebook calculates the view period ratio for a satellite and ground station pair as the asymptotic fraction of time the satellite is able to communicate with its ground station according to Dr. Lo's theory. In particularly, the code solves the article equations 12 and 14 for circular and elliptical orbits correspondingly. UI accepts Satellite Altitude, Inclination, Eccentricity, and Field Of View and Station Latitude and Elevation. In the result, it provides the satellite View Period Ratio

Lifetime Wellbeing Calculator

Lifetime Wellbeing Calculator

This Jupiter Notebook simulates lifetime financial well-being of a typical household. The simulation moves forward by years from the age of 67 to the year of the investor's death, summing up financial wellbeing over the years of life (Mortality and Life Expectancy data were taken from Australian Life Tables). The state variables of portfolio return, inflation and living/dying, evolve each year. The well-being in any particular year is a concave function of the income in that year plus the bequest if the investor dies in that year.

Cryptocurrency Trading History Analyzer

Anatomy of Cryptocurrency Market

look inside the process of a market price formation. It fetches data via [Binance](https://www.binance.com/en) API, decrypts and visualizes trades history in intelligible way, that demonstrates clearly moving factors of price oscillations.

Telegram chatbot

AI Telegram Chatbot pre-trained on custom documents

This AI Chatbot studies TXT, PDF, or DOCX documents attached to a chat user message. After that, it answers questions, finds features, writes annotation, or reviews the files content.

The backend Python code has to be running on the chat owner PC. It builds a 'llama-index' model, which processes the user query and sends the prompt to OpenAI API. At last, the program returns AI response to this chatbot. Access to the chat may be granted by the chat owner.

Dashboard Market Prices Forecast

Stock Market Prices Forecast

This is R-Shiny Web-application that predicts stock price trends in upcoming days of Daily Stock Trading. The code uses 'Quantmod' R-package for getting price history and Facebook 'Prophet' package for the prediction.

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

This R-Shiny Warehouse Dashboard application implements Market Basket Analysis to reveal correlations and clustering of different product sales. It uses 'arules' package for getting rules and 'flexdashboard' package for R-Shiny.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

This R-Shiny project. It uses Natural Language Processing to explore the sentiment polarity and averaged emotion distribution through the tweets which contains the pointed keywords. Text network analysis shows prominent clusters of words which concern the subject. With Emotion Rate of tweets the most joyful and most fearful tweets can be extracted.

Credit Risk Estimation

Credit Risk Estimation: Decision Tree & Logistic Regression Models

This project was made in RapidMiner platform. Credit Risk predictive models was trained on a set of client credit histories. Here Decision Tree Model and Logistic Regression Model were built and compared. The model processes included the data mining and analysis, section of independent variable subset, splitting the data into the training and test subsets, building the models on the train subset and applying it to the test one, the performances (confusion matrices) calculations and summarizing the prediction ability of the models.


COVID-19 UVGI Scientific Calculator

This is R-Shiny Web-application, Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) scientific calculator that has been used to facilitate the engineering and design of an air-purifying equipment, being developed for use in hospitals, commercial and residential applications during COVID-19 pandemic. It calculates the degree of virus inactivation in UVGI air-purifier device taking into account the processed room air volume and the virus survive parameters.

Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast

This R-Shiny Web-application reads and summaries the history of sales, trains a predictive model, and makes a forecast for the chosen number of days. The source of the data is a net of shops storing the sales history in SQLite database. Package 'prophet' is used to build the model and forecast. It successfully reveals yearly, weekly, and daily seasonality, plus (optional) holiday effects. It works best with time series that have strong seasonal effects and several seasons of historical data. Prophet is robust to missing data and shifts in the trend, and typically handles outliers well.

Solar Plant Dynamics

Testing Solar Plant Dynamics in Matlab/Simulink

A solar panels power plant with maximum power control is a kind of the hybrid systems with Zeno behavior. Matlab/Simulink model of Sliding Mode Control (SMC) and Pulse Width Modulated Control was built to compare the performances with the pre-calculated Maximum Power Point Tracker and carry out digital experiments to investigate the model dynamics at different environment conditions. The target of SMC is a power maximization in 2D space of photo voltage and current variables in accordance with Lyapunov theory of equilibrium of a system of Partial Derivative Equations. The control switches Dynamics and the maximum Photo Voltage power tracking for a case of sinusoidal variation of irradiance are shown on the charts.

Matlab Fast Fourier
						Transform and Wavelet Analysis

Matlab Fast Fourier Transform and Wavelet Analysis of Bubble Induced Luminescence

Bubbles induced fluctuations of some properties of aqueous solutions were proposed as an origin of observed phenomena of water luminescence under Infra-Red radiation. Mathematical model of the air diffusion through water to surface were built and coded in Matlab. The numerical solution shows oscillations of the dissolved air concentration. Fast Fourier Transform and Wavelet Analysis shown that bubbles self-oscillations have a form of fractal with an infinite sequence of periods, which evolve in time and that is qualitatively consistent with the experiment. .

Cryptocurrency Trading History Analyzer

Cryptocurrency Trading History Analyzer

This is Jupiter Notebook that sets connection to Binance-exchange API and retrieves a list of historical trades for a given set of symbols. The parameters passed to the function are the symbol, the maximum number of trades to be retrieved and the ID of the trade from which to start retrieving. The function reads the high frequency trade history hour by hour and combines the rows into one dataframe for further statistical analysis.

As it is shown on the picture, the program analysis the price and cash flow oscillations, and Bids and Asks distributions around the dynamically changing midprice. Then, it finds the optimal values of the next Bid and Ask which would optimize P&L.

Backtesting Pair Trading Strategy based on Cointegration Analysis

This project backtested the classical trading strategy called "Pair trading" in set of stock market securities. This way a portfolio assets were specified for pair trading and potential profitability. Analysis were based on the idea of Cointegration that is a statistical feature of time series proposed by Engle and Granger. The code implemented three main methods of testing for cointegration: Engle-Granger Two-Step Method, Johansen Test, and Maximum Eigenvalue test.

Optimizing Stock Portfolios with CIMDO method

CIMDO stands for "Conditional Independence Model-based Density Optimization". It is a method of optimizing stock portfolios that takes into account distress dependence among banks in a system. The approach defines the banking system as a portfolio of banks and infers the system's multivariate density (BSMD) from which the proposed measures are estimated. The BSMD embeds the banks' default inter-dependence structure that captures linear and non-linear distress dependencies among the banks in the system, and its changes at different times of the economic cycle. The BSMD was recovered using the CIMDO-approach, that in the presence of restricted data, This is Jupiter Notebook tool that allows users to improved density specification without explicitly imposing parametric forms that, under restricted data sets, were difficult to model.

Outside the Scope